
Hi everyone! It's Bàrbara!

Hi everyone! It's Bàrbara and I'm an English Teacher in Primary school and this is my first year as a teacher. I'm currently teaching at Ceip Pintor Joan Miró, but I've been teaching at two other schools this year: Ceip Santa Gertrudis (Eivissa, Santa Gertrudis) and Ceip Rodamilans (Sineu). 🙋 Do you want to know about me? So...  🏠I'm from Manacor and I live there, but what I really like is to spend time in our coutryside house, so I love to be in the nature and spend time with my two dogs 🌳🐕🐕!  😍I love doing sport and dancing. I also like drawing, painting and creating: I like art & crafts! 🙅I'm really active, I like going for excursions👟and travelling✈ .  💭 What do I think abot STORYTELLING?   I believe in active methodologies, I consider that every child should be envolved and take part in their own learning process. Story telling it's a dinamic and attractive way for students to learn vocabulary, grammar structures and even good value